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Questions and Answers About On Road Diesel & Off Road Diesel

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Are on & off road diesel different?

On road diesel and off road diesel are very similar fuels with specific differences.
On Road Diesel is a clear ultra low sulfur diesel fuel. As the name suggests, it is intended to be used on roads. It is taxed by the gallon to cover the maintenance of our roads.

Off Road Diesel is essentially the same fuel; The main difference is its color and taxation. It isn’t subject to the same fuel taxes as on road diesel since it won’t be used on roads. Off road diesel is dyed red, typically with Solvent Red 26 or Solvent Red 164 to give it a distinct, identifiable color. Using red diesel on road is illegal. Doing so is tax evasion, a felony crime which has a hefty fine and in some instances can lead to federal prison time.

How are they used?

On Road Diesel is the fuel you’ll find from diesel pumps at your local gas station. It is used by diesel engines in cars, trucks and any road traveling vehicle with a diesel engine. This includes the trucking and transportation industry, private and commercially owned vehicles.

Off Road Diesel is used in diesel combustion engines in a variety of industries to power heavy equipment, generators and any machinery that won’t be operating on roads. This includes farming equipment, back loaders and heavy machinery like cranes, light towers, pavers, and excavators that are essential to the construction industry. It is even used to power backup generators and off the grids systems like island generators and micro grids.

Who can buy these diesel fuels?

Anyone can buy on road diesel at the pump of the nearest gas station. Similarly, anyone can buy off road diesel. Because of the types of industries that use off road diesel, it is typically sold in bulk or wholesale quantities and delivered to tanks or directly into equipment. Off road diesel can sometimes be found at standard style gas pumps in industrial and agricultural heavy areas as well.

If you’re looking for off road dyed diesel, we offer onsite delivery to tanks, generators and equipment located in Southern Chester County and Delaware County in PA, and New Castle County in DE.
Simply give our team a call at 610.494.4874 or email to schedule a delivery or get a price quote.

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